Your Land Is Your Land

Real Estate And Land Litigation

At the Evans Law Firm, our real property litigation practice focuses on protecting property owners and their private property rights. We specialize in eminent domain and inverse condemnation litigation against state and local government, utility companies, and commercial development firms. We ensure that our clients are paid just and adequate compensation, not only for the land taken but also for the damages to the remaining land or affected business.

We also represent landowners in private property disputes including title and boundary line issues, nuisance and trespass, water (riparian) rights, and zoning.

  • Eminent domain law
  • Power lines
  • Roadwork & highway expansion
  • Business loss
  • Land litigation
  • Condemnation law

Schedule Your Initial Consultation

Contact us today to schedule a consultation in our offices or another convenient location. At the Evans Law Firm, we provide high-quality, cost-effective legal services to our clients. Call us at 770-884-6333 or email us to make an appointment.
