Your Land Is Your Land

Do Not Let Land Issues Hurt Your Business

Private property owners affected by government takings are entitled to just and adequate compensation. Particularly in road expansion or alteration projects, the owners of nearby property are forced to absorb most or all of the costs of a road expansion. Highway authorities are often unable or unwilling to understand the particular loss that a road expansion may cause.

Business owners are particularly impacted, facing significant losses throughout the construction phase and even greater loss as a result of the new reality that a project has created. At the Evans Law Firm, our lawyers have developed innovative legal theories and strategies to help business owners recover the true value of negative impacts on business.

Negative Impacts On Business Owners

Common losses for business owners adversely affected by government action include loss of parking, impaired or diminished access to property, diminished pedestrian and vehicle traffic, and removal of signage. All of these factors can have a direct impact on a small business’s bottom line. If a project involves tearing up the road frontage where a business’s sign is located, the business owner will lose not only the sign itself but the location’s visibility and prominence. Taking a business’s real property significantly reduces parking and impacts traffic flow across the property.

In addition, the installation of medians and other traffic control measures can hinder ease of access to your business and have a further negative impact on getting customers in the door.

Business loss is an area that is often overlooked in the planning phases of a project, and it is important to have strong representation in the matter from the outset. Our attorneys work diligently to seek just compensation that accurately represents the losses business owners incur during the project and after.

Schedule Your Initial Consultation

Contact the Evans Law Firm online today or call 770-884-6333 to schedule a consultation on your eminent domain or private property rights concern. We take appointments in either of our North Georgia law offices: Cartersville, Georgia.