If you invest in real estate, especially if you buy a commercial property on a busy road, you expect that investment to maintain and even improve its value over time. While real estate often trends upward, certain factors can influence the value of your investment. An...
Eminent Domain
How road or highway expansion can impact your property value
There is a popular cultural belief that progress and development help everyone. People will sometimes say that a rising tide lifts all boats. That may be true, but the same tide could destroy a boat that is anchored at a level lower than what the water rises to...
Property owners can challenge eminent domain
They say that it is pointless to fight city hall. However, property owners can fight a local, state or federal government’s claim of eminent domain as part of the Fifth Amendment’s Takings Clause. The owner has an opportunity to fight for their property during a...
When can the government seize your property through eminent domain?
After you purchase a piece of real estate, you often rely on ownership of that property for stability in your life or in your business. If you receive word that the government intends to seize your property, however, you are sure to have questions. Can the government...
Finding fair market value in eminent domain takings
Property owners are rarely happy to learn that state or local authorities in Georgia are invoking eminent domain to take some or all of their real estate. While challenges to the validity of the taking sometimes are successful, more often, the primary issue between...
How can I determine the worth of my home?
Eminent domain can leave Georgia residents with unease and anxiety. Whether it’s due to personal or financial consequences, most people don’t want to give up the place they call home. Because of this, residents who end up having to give away their property should know...